Monday, July 11, 2005

Report about Josh Cooley....
and also, Sanchez who was burned in the same track...

It seems that Sanchez was responsible for getting Josh Cooley out of his burning track....below is a personal e-mail from our Melissa Jo who is in touch with other Marine wife's and Mothers....
One Mother in particular, Cprl. Cox's, is what is called a 'key volunteer' who keeps other military family members at home informed of things of interest among the 'military team' in Iraq...

Melissa Jo said this in yesterdays e-mail...
" spoke with Crpl. Cox's Mother today. She said one of the sweetest things that I've heard. Sanchez received his burns because he went back in to pull Josh Cooley out. They are at the hospital together and he goes in and sits with Josh everyday. They are going to fly him to Texas to the burn unit sometime soon. She said to keep the prayers coming because it counts so much."

Dear God: This is a 911 Prayer for Josh Cooley and Sanchez....Please hear the heart of all of your people who are praying for these wonderful hero's of freedom....Josh and Sanchez.....Dear Lord, Please give them a 'speedy medical miracle' ....And bless their families with peace of mind and heart....
In Jesus Name we pray.....Amen
Signed: American Familes of Faith for our Military Family Members....

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